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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Not all posts shown by default

Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • Sarah Hellems

    Hi, I have about 2200 posts of a custom post type that I’m using your plugin for. About 1700 of those are public and published. However, when I go to the page that displays my search form and results, it shows only 1480 of those posts. I’ve made sure the cache is rebuilt and up to date on the form. What else can I do to resolve this?

    Trevor Moderator

    The first thing to do, before we try anything else, is to see if your hosting (WP Engine) is the issue.

    There is a setting to override a ‘feature’ of WP Engine hosting, that truncates long SQL queries (which ours are). Edit the site wp-config.php file and add this at the top, after line 1 (on a new line 2):

    define('WPE_GOVERNOR', false);

    PLEASE DO NOT COPY code from the email you receive for this reply, as email systems sometimes alter the quote marks and encode some characters; instead copy it from the actual forum page.

    (also see here for another related support note about this –

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