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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro No Support on Free version. Purchased pro, UI is worse.

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  • mhair
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    Ross Moderator

    Hey Mark

    I thought I’d take a look at this ticket.

    So the remaining issue is the segment thing in the URL?

    Essentially it seems you want S&F pro to display on your taxonomy archive pages?

    Well, for the first part, you cannot put a slash in the slug.

    However this problem will be tackled.

    For now you have the display method “post type archive”, which works as it sounds on your post type archives.

    I am adding a “taxonomy archive” option for the next major release which will allow S&F to work on taxonomy archives in much the same way, and the templates that they use.

    Hope that helps, if I’ve missed a trick let me know.



    Yes, I guess that is the gist of it. I didn’t realize that this wasn’t even supposed to be used with taxonomy templates, that should be spelled out in the documentaion. And again, if you are going to tackle this, I would suggest allowing 2 segments or more, meaning inclusion of “/” in the path so that taxonomy term specfic templates could be targeted. Seems rather arbitrary to me to not allow more than one segment.

    Thanks for jumping in to clarify things. I guess we can now close this.

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