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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro No Support on Free version. Purchased pro, UI is worse.

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  • mhair

    I’ve been struggling with the free version for many days and finally put a support request on that site. The purpose of freemium of course is to try a plugin out before purchasing it. But you can’t try it out if it has bugs. Bugs require support. Considering there has been no hint of support and I’m under a lot of deadline pressure, I was forced to purchase just to get that support and complete my evaluation. See the post below to understand my original request.

    Now that I’m using the pro version, and have implemented the filter via [searchandfilter id=”5267″]
    rather than the previous [searchandfilter fields=”resourcetype,primarytopic,audience,post_date” hierarchical=”1,1,1,,” types=”,,,daterange” headings=”,,,Date Range” submit_label=”Filter” post_types=”resources”]

    I find several things, some good, much bad.

    1) The pre_get_posts filter no longer spills over into the other loops that were causing my menu to not populate and my header image to not populate. IOW, there is something wrong with your pre_get_posts filter considtions in the free version. That this is changed is good(!), but should be better documented in your free support forum. I only learned about it from this forum, which is not where you would expect if you’re using free. And again, someone should be answering support questions in that forum, not forcing people to buy just to get help. Your site doesn’t even have any way to ask pre-sales questions as far as I can see.

    So now that I’m past that hurdle….

    1) I find that the interface in the “pro” version is less desirable than the free version. First of all, your styling out of the box seems to interfere. It stayed out of the way in free, meaning now the form elements are not contained within my “callout” div properly, they extend outside of it. I realize that I can fix that through some effort, but it “just worked” out of the box previously and interferes now.

    2) In the pro version settings, you have the ability to turn off automatic form submission. This is what I desire in order to make it similar to the free version where I had a submit button that said “filter” in the upper right corner. However, you current interface has no way to indicate that I want a submit button or what I want its label to be. How do I do it? And with the “Auto submit” checkbox turned off, how do you expect people to submit?

    3) The controls for my dates are far inferior to the free version. They don’t look nearly as good in their styling in my opinion, and they don’t have the “spinner” controls for day/month/year.

    4) Finally, in the free version the menu time that launched my template with the S&F free filter form in the sidebar, has is using this URL.
    [link removed]
    In the free version, the date fields were pre-populated. Now they are blank, even though the correct posts are returned. The form should automatically reflect the current query.

    Thank you for your prompt response. I hope to work through all of these things quickly not that I’m a paying customer, otherwise I’ll be taking advantage of the 30 day return pronto.

    Trevor Moderator

    I am sorry for your difficulties. This forum allows pre-sales questions to be asked, I think:

    The free and pro versions are very different; a lot has changed under the hood to make way for new features in the pro version. On our roadmap is a bigger, better version with a much better UI.

    Given the number of issues, it may be quicker, less painful and easier if we did a share screen on skype?

    Trevor Moderator
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Trevor Moderator

    Well, I was trying to illustrate what it might look like, my bad for not saying that. The exact code would vary according to the source of terms for the form field (taxonomy/category/custom field).

    But the URL, only able to get it to work with one segment, not two

    Is this the most pressing issue we need to address now? Are you able to show me a working example?

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