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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro No search results when excluding certain posts

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  • Rambus Admin

    I find that when I set the results to only include certain categories/taxonomies, the ajax search functionality yields no results. However, the checkbox filtering works. Is there a fix to this? Thanks!

    Trevor Moderator
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    Rambus Admin
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Rambus Admin
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Rambus Admin
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    Trevor Moderator

    Have we discussed this issue before:

    There is a setting to override a ‘feature’ of WP Engine hosting, that truncates long SQL queries (which ours are). Edit the site wp-config.php file and add this at the top, after line 1 (on a new line 2):

    define('WPE_GOVERNOR', false);

    (also see here for another related support note about this –

    I would just say though, that rather than adding this in blindly, to research and make sure this setting doesn’t adversely affect anything in your site.

    Rambus Admin
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    Trevor Moderator
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