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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro No results using when searching more than 1 product_tag


Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • Raffaele Provinciali

    Hi there,
    thanks for this great plugin that I’m happy to have buyed.
    I’ve a search form in my header, it have 3 fields: search (in product_tag), product_cat, and submit.
    If I search for just one term, it works perfectly, but if I add a second term, search results are empty.

    Ex: this search string must give results (there is one product that match the search criteria), but it just don’t show up-

    Trevor Moderator

    Can I see the live URL of the form?

    Raffaele Provinciali

    The form is on the homepage of . Is the live URL that you’re asking?

    Trevor Moderator

    Yes, what do I need to search for, in the search box and in the dropdown?

    Raffaele Provinciali

    Try “Test” and “editorial” in search field (prodcut_cat), and Usage Rights in the dropdown (prodcut_cat). There is one result that should show-up and is this: . But it doesent show up

    Trevor Moderator

    You know that the Search field does not search tags and categories, or any meta fields or taxonomies? It searches only titles and content. You must use S&F pro with Relevanssi to extend the search this way.

    Raffaele Provinciali

    Ah. I din’t know this. That was the error then. I already have S&F PRO. I’ll try tu use Relevanssi. Thank you Trevor, sorry about losing time.

    Trevor Moderator

    That’s no problem, I am happy to help. Let me know how you get on and if I can mark this as resolved and close the thread?

    Raffaele Provinciali

    All done. I activated Relevanssi extension and everything works! You can close the thread. Thanks again!

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