Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro No results update whand checking a filter


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  • Anonymous


    I’m using search & filter pro with elementor pro posts widget.
    I’ve followed this guide :

    You can have a look at it here

    I’m using custom post type and custom taxonomy

    Everything is quite normal… almost

    If you check a category that is marked with 1 element, for example “Formations Blended Learning (1)” in the “Type de formation” section, request will be executed, and results will be filtered to show only the selected item.

    On the opposite, you can see that if you check a category that is marked with no elements, for example “Top management (0)” in the “Public” section, request will be executed, but results will finalyy remain the same, which is not normal for me.
    Filter is set with AND operator for general, and also with AND for custom taxonomy.

    How can I fix that ?

    Many thanks and congratulations for this plugin.



    When using Ajax to refresh the results, Elementor has no mechanism to do this, so the best that you can do is to make sure that Auto Count is ON and Hide Empty ON in each field, to try to avoid no results.


    Thanks for your answer.
    A bit frustrating, but it works.


    Thanks for letting me know. I will close this thread for now.

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