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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro No results on search

Viewing 5 posts - 11 through 15 (of 15 total)
  • Dorothy Tsui

    OK – I apologize for question regarding shortcode, that was addressed in documentation – however I cannot seem to implement as I get an error as follows:

    Error: The custom template file search.php cannot be found – go to Display Results tab to fix

    Should this have been installed with plugin? This is set as the default.

    Trevor Moderator

    That is the ‘presumed’ search template file from your theme (that is what the WordPress codex suggests them authors should name the search results template. You need to identify which template in your theme you want to use to make the page layout.

    Dorothy Tsui

    OK, I think I’ve figured that out – but one last question, where are the .css files. I see none installed with the pro plugin; can you point me to where they are located?

    Dorothy Tsui

    Thanks for your help, we can close this.

    Trevor Moderator

    If you just search the forum for the word horizontal you will find custom css examples I and others have given.

Viewing 5 posts - 11 through 15 (of 15 total)

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