Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro No results on search

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  • Anonymous

    I have used CPT UI plugin to create custom taxonomies, and everything looks great. Using the standard plugin (though I have purchase Pro), I was able to set up a search on category and two custom taxonomies. When I execute a search on either taxonomy, however, I get no results (though I know that there are posts/events within those taxonomies). Can you please advise?

    Thank you,


    Is it possible to see the search on a live URL?


    Here is a link – there is at least one workshop, 1 event, and 1 of each language.


    This means that the theme is overriding the wp_query by doing things in a non-standard way (i.e. not as set out in the WordPress Codex.

    If I could get admin logins (by private reply) I will see if it can be easily fixed.

    This reply has been marked as private.

    It should work fine with Divi, if set up in the right way.

    I enabled the plugin. On the only search form I can see a search field and one field for the Delivery Methods taxonomy.

    Field relationships is set to OR and Auto Count is off?

    You have As an Archive selected but have not selected Use a Custom Template.

    The event search page has no search form on it?


    I have deactivated the pro version of the plugin, as I don’t want to break anything.


    I was hoping to just use the regular version of the plugin as it was simpler to implement and i liked the layout of it, so I was not trying to do so with Pro version. If I need to use Pro version to make it happen I will, but I want it to look like the free version.

    Here is the page I created using the free version, and the one I’d like to get working.


    Ah. The free version comes without support, and I know nothing about it.


    Ah, OK. I guess I will try to implement the Pro Version then. Will I be able to set it up with the horizontal layout, and can I use a shortcode to implement the search on whichever page I’d like? I have a couple of different searches I’d like to implement – one for events, one for posts (distinctly different searches). Thank you for your help.

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