Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro “no results” message not showing


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  • Anonymous

    hi I purchased your plugin. I set up the ajax search with the results on the same page but I don’t see the “no results” message when there are no results. I would also like to customize it. How can I do? thanks


    The control of that message (when it should output) depends on the Display Results Method and theme (or page builder plugin) you are using).

    Are you able to send me a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look?


    Ho Trevor, this Is the beta release:
    If you digit “Roma” show the results.
    If you digit, for example, “Cremona” show the blank message.
    The site is Building whit elementor pro and the grid Is created whit loop skin and ACF custom field.
    Thank you


    Ah. You are using Elementor. When using Ajax to refresh the results, Elementor has no mechanism to handle ‘no results’, so the best that you can do is to make sure that Auto Count is ON and Hide Empty ON in each field, to try to avoid no results. But, this does not stop text searches having this issue.

    I am not sure what mechanism Elementor has when not using Ajax, but that should be OK.


    Sorry, but I did not understand.
    I followed the guide for elementor, inserted the shortcode:
    [searchandfilter id = “number”]
    and then:
    [searchandfilter id = “number” action = “filter_next_query”]
    and after blocking posts with the view query.
    Where should I set Auto Count and hide empty?

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Nunzio

    Auto count is the setting in your search form, in the general tab
    Hide empty is found inside each of your individual fields in the Search Form UI



    thanks Ross,
    ok i had already set up this. I can’t understand where i can define a message for “no results”


    Hi Nunzio

    With Elementor, there isn’t a method you can use to create a ‘no results’ message for Ajax results refreshes. That is the way Elementor is coded, sorry.

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