Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro No results found for ""


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  • Anonymous

    Can you help me with this problem or does anyone has experience with this?
    I have a site with vehicles, all defined as WooCommerce products and stored in product categories (nested in brands/types). Vehicle details are specified as meta data through ACF.

    I want to use S&F as filter (not as a search form). I run S&F 2.2.0 on WP 4.6
    I’ve made a search form with only one item: Taxonomy (product_cat) for selecting the brand.
    The search form shows a menu with all brands but when I select a brand (i.e. a product category) I always get the result: No results found for “”.
    What am I missing? Anyone?


    Can you send me admin logins for the site by Private reply?

    I also need the page where the search form is placed, although for WooCommerce this should be the shop page?

    And the D/name of the search form.

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    Hi Gerrit. It is late here, so I will look in the morning.


    I have changed the results container to .product as it was set to #main which does not exist in your theme. I also enabled auto count.

    With the search display results method set to WooCommerce, the results will re-direct to the WooCommerce shop page ( because that is how the plugin works.

    With the simple form as it is, it seems to work as I would expect?

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