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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro no results found

Viewing 6 posts - 11 through 16 (of 16 total)
  • Stefan Neumann

    Hi Ross,

    i tested it 10 minutes ago, all fine now! Thanks for fast action on this problem.


    Klaus-Dieter Weber

    Hi Ross,

    I figured out something: Base problem is the fact, that I set the Woocommerce shop page to show categories & subcategories, rather than products. With this setting the search does not work at all. This is a problem, as I have to show the categories on the shop page first, and visitors should use either the search or select directly one of the categories to see all items inside.

    But even when I switch the shop page to “show products” in Woocommerce, the search is not working. What I have to do after Submit is a reload of the page – only then the search results are shown!

    Ringing a bell?


    Klaus-Dieter Weber

    OK, after further digging I could solve the second part with switching off Ajax for loading the search results – now no page refresh is needed anymore!

    So what remains is “only” the fact that the Woocommerce Shop Page cannot be used when set to “Show categories and subcategories”. Do you think there is a solution for that? Otherwise I would have to use a template, just like in the 1.x version of the plugin, I guess…


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Klaus

    This is something I’m looking into actually at the request of another user.

    Let me do some digging around and I’ll see if its something I can include in the next update.


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Klaus

    I’ve found the woocommerce filter for this and integrated it into the dev version.

    This means S&F will work on the shop when it is set to display categories and sub categories.

    Will be out later this week or I can send you the dev version.


    Klaus-Dieter Weber

    Hi Ross,

    great news! It’s fine for me to wait for the next release.


Viewing 6 posts - 11 through 16 (of 16 total)

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