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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro no results found

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  • Stefan Neumann

    Hi, search & filter pro does not work after updating from 1.4.x to 2.x. No results found, i disabled it, enabled again, rebuilt cache – nothing helps:

    Latest wordpress, latest wpml, no extra plugins.

    Please help.


    Klaus-Dieter Weber

    Same issue here. Stefan, as you also use WPML, I could imagine this as reason. Trying a search in German ends in a message “no results found”, switching to English the same search does not do anything at all – no results, no message. Very strange.

    I rolled back now to 1.4.3 again, which works fine, but does not use the Woocommerce shop page for search results. I will setup a test system and make further trials there. I believe that WPML might be the problem, they made some major changes recently, and I guess the system is not setup correctly now…

    Ross Moderator

    Hi both

    This is odd – I’ve ensured there is compatibility with S&F and the lastest WPML.

    I’ll do some tests here today to double check again.


    Ross Moderator

    Hi both

    There are some issues I’ve found, only in certain circumstances though…

    I should have a fix tomorrow in a dev version if you want me to send over a copy?


    Klaus-Dieter Weber

    Thanks Ross, that would be great! I did setup a test server in the meanwhile, so I could give feedback very soon if it solved the problem.


    Stefan Neumann

    Hi Ross,
    yes, please send the fix – if this does not lead to trouble with the next regular update?

    Ross Moderator

    Sent, be sure to deactivate S&F, then activate again. Then rebuild the cache.

    Let me know if that resolves your issues!

    Ross Moderator

    (yeah it was a bit quicker than tomorrow)

    Klaus-Dieter Weber

    OK, for my part: Change is that there is no message anymore stating that no results could be found, but simply nothing happens when performing the search at all! This is the case when using the Woocommerce shop page as search result screen. When using “as an archive”, always the first search works, but every other one after that not, simply nothing happens.

    I even see that the url is changing, including the new search term – but nothing else happens.

    Maybe a theme issue? I am using Enfold.


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Stefan how did you get on?

    Klaus, I sent this version to another user having WPML issues and their issues are resolved so you might have a different issue – I’ve got all your logins etc so I’ll be taking a look.


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