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  • Anonymous


    I’m at a loss for what I’m doing incorrectly, in getting a form to set up correctly. Simple apartment site, where there needs to be a search form so that someone can search via housing type, number of bedrooms, and location. Added these as taxonomies using Custom Post Type UI, then added the varied these under each apartment page (standard/studio, 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom/new york). These options are then showing up under the form, but I can’t get any results to post no matter what I choose. I’m also having difficulty having these fields as a progressive order, so one has to click on the housing type, to get to the number of bedrooms to then get to choose location. I tried enabling auto count, but when I do this, all fields show as “0” options. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

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    So, you had an incomplete condition on the Post Meta settings tab. I have removed it.

    Why do you have Maintain Search Form State ON? I would not. You might re-consider this and set it to OFF.

    Why are you searching Pages? You really should be searching a Custom Post Type for Properties. But you do not appear to have made such a Custom Post Type. If you do, and if your properties are as pages right now, you can use a plugin to move them from pages to the CPT you make.


    Ok, is there any documentation, etc., that you can lead me to to do that? With the Custom Post Type? This isn’t really my site – I was just asked to find a way to search the property listings with those three categories, so I’m trying to make it as simple as possible. But if it would be better to search based on CPTs, well… I don’t know how to do that either!


    What timezone are you in and do you have skype?


    I’m in EST. And no, I don’t, sorry.


    How many of the pages are actually properties? Are you able to give me the ID numbers of them? For example, 8276 Willet Parkway is ID #691

    Maybe I can make the CPT and move them for you?

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    “Maybe I can make the CPT and move them for you?” – That would work for me. I’ll send the page numbers in a minute.

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