Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro No results


  • This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Anonymous.
Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Anonymous


    Some of our sites have beed experiencing that the S&F archive is not showing anything. This will happen from time to time. But usually we just rebuild the caching and everything is back to normal.

    But this one site we have now seems to work under the rebuilding, but 1 houre or so later, its all gone again.

    Is there something Im missing ?



    Hi, I have a issue with cashing and this plugin. All posttypes that is supposed to be showing is dissapearing when using search and filter. They come back when I rebuild the cash. But dissapear again within just a few houres.


    Are you doing anything at all to the site in that intervening period?

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi, I somehow did not find the old one when I wrote the new one..

    But I manage to fix the problem. But did not find out exactly what was wrong. There could be 2 or 3 things.

    1. There where to many posts to cache
    2. There where duplicates that somehow messed with the caching
    3. The server or theme settings was not compatible with the amount of posts.

    We fixed it with deleting over 2500 posts and cutting them down to just 400.

    Is there any amount to how much this plugin is allowed to show?


    Q. Is there any amount to how much this plugin is allowed to show?

    A. WordPress itself has limits as to how many posts it can retrieve from the database. Our plugin has no limits on how many posts it can cache. Clearly your server may limit the caching process due to time, storage or memory limits. Anecdotally, I seem to recall someone telling me that WordPress can retrieve about 990 posts per page, but I cannot be certain of that. WordPress itself installs with a default usage of memory of 40MB, and with complex sites, such as yours, that often runs out. You can increase that by adding a WP_MEMORY_LIMIT rule to your site’s wp-config.php file. I typically make it 128M or 256M (note it does not use MB, but just M), but whatever you set it to, your server’s PHP memory_limit variable needs to be set to more. In our main plugin sub menu (not the form pages) you will see a Status option. Your server’s current configuration should be in there.

    Please let me know if I can close this thread?


    Thanks for the detailed answer 😀

    You can consider this thread closed 😉

    Have a great day!

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