Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro No "Relevance" option for "Sort Order"

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  • Anonymous

    I have Relevanssi enabled and sort by relevance enable.

    I would like to add a ‘Sort Order’ popup with additional sorting options, but there is no ‘Default’ / ‘Relevance’ option available to list. If a user selects another order, they won’t be able to return to default without resetting.

    Is there a way to enable relevance as a Sort Order value?


    This is not an option in the current version of the plugin. In our Advanced options for Relevanssi, it is a predetermined option you can select, but only applies to text searches, so not to any other field.

    Relevance is not an option/argument that can be passed to the wp_query, so we cannot offer it as a front end user option in a form.


    Thank you for the reply.

    If the Sort Order is left on it’s default setting, is that sorting by relevance? Or does adding a Sort Order option change the default so that the advanced Relevanssi setting is overridden?


    If sort order is left at default, the results should be sorted by relevance, when a text value is in the search. Otherwise, the default is the WordPress default order, which is by date descending.

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