Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro No products displaying, Server timing out, Remnants after Uninstall

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  • Anonymous

    I recently purchased this plug in for a WP woocommerce site. After installing I was unable to get any results to show up using either the shortcode or woocommerce method.This is what I was trying to do with the plug in.
    1. Put shortcode search in the upper nav bar.
    2. Display search on a custom page.
    3. Create a filter that would allow search by category, manufacturer, and various other taxonomies.

    The site has 30,000 plus products, and shortly after adjusting the settings to narrow search results I ran into a timeout issue with the server.

    Upon uninstalling the plugin, removing all shortcodes, and switching to the woocommerce search I now have [searchandfilter id=”272220″ show=”results”] showing up on the top of the page.

    I would really like to get this plug in working on the site but right now it is bogging the whole back end down when it is installed. i would be more than happy to let you guys into the admin if you can get this going. Thanks


    I think that Ross may be able to help a bit more than I can, but here goes my best shot.

    The shortcode text showing up means that it is still embedded somewhere on a page, a widget or in a template. That you can see it like that is default behavior for WordPress. As the plugin is not there to define the shortcode, WordPress looks at it, doesn’t see it as being defined as a shortcode, and thus shows it as if you meant it to be text. You said you had put the shortcode in the navbar, so it must still be there.

    As to the site bogging down and timing out. S&F uses a cache to find stuff, and 30,000 products is a lot to build a cache on. It is likely timing out on building the cache. I have seen other posts on the forum that suggest the cache may not be able to work effectively on such a large number of posts.


    Hi Trevor thanks for your quick response. The memory time out seemed to occur after the plugin was installed and I was adjusting the incudes/excludes. I was able to build the cache just fine, it did take awhile as expected, but I started having issues with the search always coming up empty, and then the timeout issues. I have removed all the shortcodes, but I think it the default search result has been overwritten because it is a generated page not a page on the backend I can make changes to.


    What Display Results method were you using in S&F?

    Search and Filter does not overwrite any theme/WooCommerce settings, so I am wondering how that shortcode remnant is still showing.


    Hi Trevor, Initially I used the shortcode display method on a custom page. Then i switched to the woocommerce and deleted the old search results page.


    But what I cannot understand is that you say that the code still shows, yet you have deleted the plugin AND deleted the custom page? Do you have a link to a pge that shows this code (you can use private reply if you need to).

    This reply has been marked as private.

    OK, I am looking at the page. You said that the text of the shortcode is still on the page:

    [searchandfilter id="272220" show="results"]

    I cannot see it and I have searched for it in the page source HTML?

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