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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro No plugin js uploading despite I turn off Lazy Load JavaScript setting


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  • Aleksandr

    I experimented with plugin settings and turned on Lazy Load JavaScript option. It didn’t work for me so I turned off it. But now it is no plugin js script is uploading so the search isn’t working.

    Trevor Moderator

    The footer on your page is relatively empty. It would normally have many scripts loading in it. You need to make sure that your page template or theme is correctly calling the wp_footer() function to enqueue our script, otherwise you will need to manually enqueue it.


    Thanx. BTW I just fixed functionality by inserting scripts and style manually to prevent loading it on non-search pages

    Trevor Moderator

    Great. Is it OK to close this thread for now?


    Yep. But still it is strange why script disappeared and style is not.

    Trevor Moderator

    The style is loaded in the page header, so it would be called by the wp_header() function instead.


    Yep, but they everything worked well until I decided to try Lazy Load option. And then, after I canceled it script didn’t appeared again.

    Trevor Moderator

    I cannot explain why that happened.


    I just decided to notice you. May be it will be useful.

    Trevor Moderator

    Indeed, I have noted it, thank you. Is it OK to close the thread for now?

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 11 total)

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