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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro No default display settings

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  • Pravash Karki

    There is no settings for default section. I did not find any setting for that. Do I need to add custom-query for showing results by default?

    Search page :

    [Login details redacted by @trevorsf for privacy and added to a private note for moderators to see only.]

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Pravash

    I am not sure what it is you want. Do you want to hide all results until a search is made?

    Pravash Karki


    I want to show some posts by default even when I don’t choose any option from search menu. When I choose any option, it works fine, no worries. But firstly, when I just go to that page, there are no results shown even when all destinations, all activities are chosen in search menu side.

    Does it clear now?


    Trevor Moderator

    Can you try changing the target container to .search-results-wrap

    There also appears to be something odd, as some selections show 1 less result than the count (e.g. Bhutan count is 6 and it shows 5)?

    Pravash Karki

    Search result is absolutely perfect. Total count of India is 6, but result shown is 5 as because it checks all the field like duration, price and if some field is missed to entered in activities section, it does not show. Thats perfectly correct.

    .search-results-wrap : same class is used.

    So do I have to add custom query in results.php for default listing ?

    Trevor Moderator


    I think this is a hand made theme, yes? I do not think that you can use the shortcode for the results. Instead. Re-make the template to show all the posts as you would a normal template. You will have in that a section defining the array of args for query_posts($args);. You add an extra argument to this array (make sure each row has a comma at the end except the last argument), and the row to add our filter would be:

    'search_filter_id' => 8687,

    Trevor Moderator

    Ignore that. You have modified our results.php?

    Trevor Moderator

    What you should have done is detailed here:

    and made your own theme copy.

    In the results.php that you have modified, you have this line:

    if(count($_GET) > 0) { followed by the loop. This means, if there is no URL parameter, do not show results, basically, the issue you are having was created by this line you have added.

    Pravash Karki

    Thanks for all support. Will try and reply you.

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