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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro New Posts Are Not Being Cached


Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
  • Matt Harris

    I am having issues with a custom post type not being cached when new posts are published or updated. I am currently having to manually hit the “rebuild cache” button to get them to show up.

    Is there something I have set incorrectly?

    Matt Harris

    Just to head off some preliminary questions: the custom post type is being added through the admin panel as normal. Im not importing or programatically creating anything.

    Trevor Moderator

    If the post is being added through the normal WP Admin post editor page, it should automatically be added to the search and filter cache tables. If you have access to the database, you could check the actual cache tables to see if this is so.

    Does WP Debug (you would need to enable this) throw any errors when saving the new post?

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