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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Network activate on multisite

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Lucas Lemonnier

    Just purchased the developer license to use on a multisite install. Clicking on network activate throws up this error:

    Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /Users/Lucas/Dropbox/Sites/ on line 128

    Any idea what the issue is? Thanks!

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Lucas

    I’ll have to look in to this and get back to you.

    Thanks for the heads up



    I see this same message upon activation on my network running 4.4.

    Did you find a cause/solution?

    It’s a license issue. I would have found if I’d read a few more posts before replying here.

    Thank you,

    Ross Moderator

    I’m afraid not just yet… well, this original issue was resovled, but it seems there is a new licensing issue, which I am aware of and looking into as soon as we get the next update ready.


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