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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Need Older Versions / Incremental Upgrade

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  • Constructive


    We’re upgrading a site from 2.0 and 2.3.3 breaks some search functionality. 2.1.1 works fine, but 2.3.3 does not. In order to troubleshoot where S&F breaks, would it be possible to download older releases in the 2.2 and 2.3 line to pinpoint at which point it breaks?

    What’s happening in 2.3.3 is on a search page it seems to no longer handle the /_sft_TAXONOMY=TERM URL suffix and instead leads us to a 404 page.


    Trevor Moderator

    Shouldn’t that be /?_sft_TAXONOMY=TERM


    That’s the thing, it’s never put the ? in there, but it was working in version 2.0.1 and 2.1.1 without it.

    Trevor Moderator

    If you manually put it in, does it work? I would wonder why it is not there. For me it always has been. Does your theme remove it?


    Yes, it actually does work when we add that manually. Not sure if the theme removes the ?, we will check, thanks for a possible clue!

    Ross Moderator

    Hey John

    Ususally when a URL doesn’t contain a question mark, its because the results url was not filled out in the display results tab – can you check this setting?

    When users’ leave this blank they often get the same experience you describe, but one of those URLs


    Should always lead to a 404, in fact I don’t think its a valid URL full stop, because what your site would do is try to load a page


    but then what I thnk is not valid is the =TERM after..


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