Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro My search and filter pro does not work properly

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  • Anonymous

    I am using elementor pro.
    I have used CPT/UI for creating a new content (ressources-acquises) with 2 taxonomy for Discipline (math, history etc.) and Publication (book, serial etc)
    I have based S&F on this CPT for creating a form “Filtre ressource”
    I succeed displaying a form that contains 2 entries (one fortaxonomy Discipline and the other for taxonomy Publication, below each one I have the different terms with the number of occurrence and if I click on one element the filter works and display the content on the same page (that is what I want), but I meet the following problem :

    When I select one element (math for instance) the counters are not updated on the 2 taxonomies (I tried different parameters, either the counter is updated and the result is not working or the result is OK but the counter doesn’t change

    What I would like is to give the possibility for users to select math for instance in the first taxonomy and that all the counters get updated and offer the possibility to filter again in the second taxonomy to select book for instance.

    It is rather difficult to explain.

    In Elementor I have been using Search & filter form and I choosed Filtre ressource
    And I put in the same page a text containing : [searchandfilter id=”33081″ action=”filter_next_query”]

    Thank you for your help in advance.
    Best regards.



    From your post, it appears that you are using our old integration method for Elementor Pro.

    We now have a free additional extension for Elementor Pro, which you should download (if you are logged in) from top of this guide page (which shows how it should be used with the archives and product archives widgets, see a little way down the page for specific extra advice when using the archives and product archives widgets):

    Please read and follow the guide carefully.

    With regard to the filters updating, in the General Setting tab, set Auto Count (both settings) to ON

    And then in the Form UI:

    In each field set Hide Empty set to ON


    Thak you for your answer.
    I tried all this before, but now I udpaded versions, counters do update!
    So this is a very good thing!!!
    I go on testing.
    Thank you very much for helping.


    I have both S&Filter Elementor ex 1.0.6 and S&F pro 2.5.1
    I use Modified Post Extra and I don’t have these options in this plugin.
    In query I have defined the source
    I don’t have the field Search&Filter Query
    nor The found message
    In my search form the display method is set to Elementor Posts / portfolio / products
    Enable Auto count is set to yer (both)
    Hide empy is on.


    Do let me know how you get on, and if I can close this thread for now?

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