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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Multiselect Shows no results


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  • Michael McElwee

    Hi Trevor

    I have put together a simple search form using the Chosen script for the Multiselct Combobox dropdowns. No matter how many combinations of settings I seem to use returns results when a menu has more than one option selected. Starting to feel like I’m missing something.

    Have set you up as an Admin User to take a look.

    Michael McElwee
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    Are these dependent taxonomies? In which case Auto (both options) needs to be ON and Hide Empty needs to be ON in each form element.

    Also, on a mutlitselect form element, the Search Operator is normally ‘OR’, but you have them set to ‘AND’.

    Michael McElwee

    Thanks Trevor

    Yes they are dependent or will be. The problem though with Auto is the moment you multiselect you get no results with the search operator set to AND

    I specifically need the search to be AND. This site will grow grow to have well over 1000 store entries which will be filtered by taxonomies with an AND relationship.

    ie. stores in Gauteng and Western Cape that are Adidas and Cross Trainer and Freestanding stores

    Trevor Moderator

    Ah, you use language logic, not computer logic. Here is what you say:

    stores in Gauteng and Western Cape that are Adidas and Cross Trainer and Freestanding stores

    When you say this to a computer, it thinks you mean this:

    stores that are located in both Gauteng and Western Cape at the same time that are all three of these types at the same time: Adidas and Cross Trainer and Freestanding.

    So, do you have any stores that are in both Gauteng and Western Cape at the same time? I doubt it. They are different provinces and a store cannot be in both at the same time.

    AND in computer searches makes the search smaller everytime you use it. OR makes the search wider

    What you wanted was, All the Stores in Gauteng and all the stores in Western province, added together, so you must say to a computer All the stores in gauteng OR western province.

    Most likely the same applies the the type as well.

    Michael McElwee

    Got you! Resolved.

    OR applied in each field.
    Relationship between the fields AND

    Thanks again Trevor. Much Appreciated

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