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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Multiple Taxonomies issue

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    Hello, i’ve just bought your plugin and I’m tring to make it work but I have several issues.
    The first one is that I only search a spécific custom post type wich have 3 different taxonomies related to. Whan I want to filter the serach, I can see my 3 taxonomies, but only the first one is relevant, the 2 others are always empty and don’t show results.

    I have firm custom post types, with country, tags and labels taxonomies, only country taxonomy is full and taken in account by search filter.
    Can you please help me on this part ?

    The second issue is that I want to use queries to show the results in my template, and I’d like to now if I can override shortcode template.

    Sincerly yours

    Trevor Moderator
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Trevor Moderator

    Instead of using the taxonomy labels and tags, why not show the ACF fields, using the Post Meta field object? When you select the name of the ACF post meta key, make sure it does NOT begin with _!

    I think that may be what you are looking for; the Post Meta field object in the Form UI so that you can use custom fields.

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