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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Multiple Tags fields


Viewing 7 posts - 11 through 17 (of 17 total)
  • Trevor Moderator

    Until we modify how the range slider works, there are only two methods you can use to be able to show properties with no price:

    #1 Make the price 0, as a default value, for all properties currently with no price. So, this way, none have an empty price.

    #2 Have a second price field, where this field has text values, like:

    No price
    up to $199,999
    $200,000 - $300,000

    and so on, so each property has two values for price. One s the actual price, the other is the text ‘range’ label. Then use this new field for the form.

    We do plan to modify the way ranges work in V3, due in a few months.

    Shaun Trivedi
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Shaun Trivedi
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    Trevor Moderator

    The only way to do a full cache build is to click the Rebuild Cache button in the form. Most update software/functions (maybe like yours) update one posts at a time, usually in a while loop. At each loop, the Post ID should be available to the code, and that would then be used in our do_action code as a variable.

    If you are somehow bulk updating values without using Post IDs, then the only method to rebuild the cache is to use the button I mentioned above. It is not available from/with code, sorry.

    Shaun Trivedi
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    If I understand you correctly, you want to show a field (Land Width) conditional if another field is chosen with a specific term. This type of conditionality is not possible with the current version of the plugin, but may be possible when we release V3 in a few months.

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