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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Multiple Tag Fields

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
  • findyourenglishschool

    Currently I am using multiple (four) tag fields in one search form. If one of check-boxes in one tag field is checked, check-boxes in other tag fields cannot be checked. Is there any way to add multiple tag fields in one search form and make it available to check multiple check-boxes in the multiple tag fields at the same time?

    Thank you very much,

    Trevor Moderator

    You need to separate out groups, branches or parent/child tags into separate custom taxonomies. In general, you can use a particular Taxonomy (or Category/Tags, each Taxonomy and each Custom Field) only once in the form. This post tries to explain this a bit better (you can use a plugin to switch category terms from category to any new taxonomy that you make, so it is not so hard to do). It is a really awful preachy lecture I wrote:

    Sorry about the tone, but the message is right and it links to good plugins (except taxonomy switcher I think).


    Custom Post Type UI solved my problem!

    Thank you very much for introducing it, Trevor!

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