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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Multiple issues with multiple forms and multiple languages

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  • Marcel Westerhoff

    I also found out that the grid items do not show up after filtering on mobile devices on all pages with search and filter forms. I checked the the pages in Firefox Developer tools and this div has no height and width:

    <div class="vc_gitem-zone vc_gitem-zone-a vc-gitem-zone-height-mode-auto vc-gitem-zone-height-mode-auto-1-1 vc_gitem-is-link" style="background-image: url('') !important;>

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Marcel Westerhoff

    Hi Trevor,

    The website is moved to the correct domain ( and that indeed fixed the re-direct problems.

    I still have the problem with filtering on my mobile. Is there a whay I can share my screen recording with you?

    Trevor Moderator

    You would need to upload the screenshot video to a file sharing site (like the WordPress Cloudup site, Google Drive, Weshare, Dropbox, etc) and share the link with me.

    Marcel Westerhoff
    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Marcel Westerhoff

    Hi Trevor,

    1. I just activated the latest version of WP Bakery Page Builder. That didn’t solve the issue.
    2. When I change the source the filter wouldn’t work right? Or am I missing something?

    Trevor Moderator

    I am wondering, do you have an image lazyload function, for example in something like Jetpack? The would account for this, as lazyload functions often do not see an Ajax refresh.

    Marcel Westerhoff

    Hi Trevor,

    No, I’m not using lazy load. I do use WP Rocket to cache but even when disabled on mobile I still have the same issue.

    Marcel Westerhoff

    I also deactivated WP Rocket completely. Also didn’t help..

Viewing 10 posts - 11 through 20 (of 35 total)

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