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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Multiple issues with multiple forms and multiple languages

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  • Marcel Westerhoff


    On my website which is still in development I’m using 2 languages. For every language I have 5 different forms for different pages.

    For the ENG pages these are the forms:

    All Listings – Search Results (ENG):
    Long Term Rentals (ENG):
    Real Estate (ENG):
    Vacation Rentals – KLM World Deal Weeks (ENG):
    Vacation Rentals (ENG):

    And these are the NL forms:

    All Listings – Search Results (NL):
    Long Term Rentals (NL):
    Real Estate (NL):
    Vacation Rentals – KLM World Deal Weeks (NL):
    Vacation Rentals (NL):

    All forms except “All Listings – Search Results (both ENG and NL)” should not reload after filtering. Most of the times they don’t but sometimes they really do. And I don’t have a clue why.. I looks totally random to me.

    Nevertheless the biggest issue I have is with all the NL forms and pages, again except “All Listings – Search Results (NL). All of them have the “Auto submit form?”, “Load results using Ajax?” and “Scroll window to: Results Container on All” options enabled (just like the ENG forms) but when filtering the window scrolls to the top of the window and the results are not updated. When you refresh the page with the parameters in the url (for example like: the results updated. Sometimes also the whole page reloads when filtering. This is also happens totally random as far as I can judge.

    As far as I can tell all the settings in the forms like Search Form Shortcode, Results URL:, Categories included, etc. are set correct. Also on the pages I have checked Data Source multiple times…

    I’m really clueless on what to do and it’s very frustrating. I’m trying to fix this for hours but can’t find out why some things are happening as they do.

    Thanks for your help!

    Trevor Moderator
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    Marcel Westerhoff
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    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Marcel Westerhoff

    Hi Trevor, thanks for your input. WPML is giving me such a huge headache lately.. So many issues…

    So this is what I did. In the WPML settings I changed Search and Filter to non-translatable. I deleted all the NL forms. Duplicated the ENG Real Estate form and just changed the verbiage of the field headers in Dutch. I included the new shortcode on the NL page ( and selected the new NL form in the WP bakery grid. It’s working now.

    However, and I have the same issue with the ENG Vacation Rentals and ENG Long Term Rentals forms, when you start filtering the page reloads instead of bluring the grid items. The ENG Real Estate and ENG Vcation Rentals – KLM World Deal Weeks pages are the only ones behaving properly (how I like it to be). How is this possible?

    Edit note: After I typed the above, in the ENG forms that didn’t work properly I only changed the setting “Scroll window to None”. Now they work fine. But it really seems to be random as I mentioned in the first reaction. It would not surprise me when you check it or I check it tomorrow it reloads the page again. The NL Real Estate still doesn’t work (… And as far as I can see it has the same settings..

    Thanks again for your help!

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Marcel Westerhoff

    Hi Trevor, PHP Max Input Vars: is 5000 on my server

    Marcel Westerhoff
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    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Marcel Westerhoff

    Hi Trevor,

    But does this help fixing the existing English forms behaviour? For example when you filter “Area” on the form on these pages ( and it reloads the page and then showing the results. When you filter “Area” on this page ( it doesn’t reload the page; instead the grid items are blurred, reloaded in place and showing the results. I like this to be fixed first before translating them. So all forms on all pages should not reload.

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