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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Multiple forms with shortcodes and different templates

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  • Jose David Moliner


    You suggest this:

    Multiple Search Forms, – I don’t want all my results looking the same!?

    For example, if a Search Form had an ID of 14, then I would create a template in this folder called 14.php – that only this Search Form could use for displaying its results – the file would then be located: wp-content\themes\your-theme-name\search-filter\14.php

    The problem is that not always the ID is known. For example I work in local server, the when I upload the page to production the ID’s is different.

    My first attemp was:


    while ($query->have_posts())
      if (is_page_template("custom-mycpt.php"))
       get_template_part ('templates/item','mycpt'); 
       get_template_part ('templates/item','posts'); 

    The problem is using Ajax when refresh ‘is_page_template’ don’t works correctly.

    My second attemp is:

    if ($query->query['post_type'][0] == 'mycpt')
     get_template_part ('templates/item','mycpt');
     get_template_part ('templates/item','posts');

    This works fine but I don’t know is a good solution.


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Jose

    Yeah unfortunately you will have to rename the php files to match the IDs of your search form in your environment.

    What I’m planning to do is an option so you can give a “name” to search form – so that it has its own slug based on name, and not ID. This way, even if the search form IDs don’t match you won’t have any problems.

    Sticking this on my to do list now.


    Jose David Moliner


    Any news of this?

    To name the search form will a perfect solution.

    Trevor Moderator

    We are working on this right now (today) with the hope that it will appear in the next released version (2.2.0), which we hope to be today, as it happens.

    Trevor Moderator

    2.2.0 is now released. I believe it has the naming feature you requested. Is it OK to close this thread now and mark it resolved?

    Jose David Moliner

    Exactly that! thanks

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