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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Multiple Ajax Forms on Same Page

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  • Kevin Frey


    I am unable to make the form work to always display a certain specific set of results along with the actual filtered results.

    My workaround was to put two forms on the same page. One form can be filtered by State on the side-bar while the other form shows no filtering options, because we don’t want those results to change. However, the pagination links get a little funny. The first form paginates with no problem, but the second form paginates itself plus the first form, and does so by reloading the page instead of via Ajax.

    Is there any way to hack the plugin to get the Ajax calls to function properly for both forms on the same page?

    The example is here:

    Thank you for your consideration.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Kevin

    You should be able to have mulitple search forms, the only thing is you cannot have the URL updating – so where you have 2 or more search forms, you must disable “Bookmarkable URLs” on each form

    I think this will do the trick



    I have two forms and the “Bookmarkable URLs” are disabled on each form. But after submit the first form, the second form is lost and only the shortcode is visible:

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Christiane can you open a new ticket?

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