Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Multilingual Search criteria form


  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • Anonymous

    In the Search Form UI in the Edit Search Form page you can enter texts for Heading, placeholder and screenreader.

    Before resorting to a javascript solution: Is there a ‘built-in’ way to make these texts (as they appear in the search form to the user) multilingual, e.i. differ per language set?



    In a multilingual setup, the search forms should also be translated, for example see our guide when using WPML:

    Our plugin and the translation tool will have linked the different versions and know which to load for ach language page.

    Thus, you can then edit each version of the form differently.


    Thanks for your quick answer.
    I’ll look into the direction you suggested.

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