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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Multi select + Enable Auto Count isn't working on iphone 6

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  • Tor I.


    I am using a combobox with auto count enabled, but having some issues with Search & Filter using iPhone (v6plus).

    As soon as I try and select something, the options pop up but quickly disappear, which makes it impossible to select anything.

    If I turn off Enable Auto count, this does not happen. I can then choose as many as I want. But the whole purpose is lost with auto count turned off, so this is not a solution.

    However after turning Auto count off I noticed that as soon as I click on the combobox to display the options, the first option is automatically selected even if I have not clicked on it.

    So I suspect that the combination of these two is the reason why it is not working on iPhone. With the Auto Count Enabled, it immediately updates (and closes the options) because the first option in the list is automatically selected. So it is impossible to choose.

    I have tried both Chosen and Select2 combobox scripts, but it happens regardless of which one I’m using.

    I hope this makes sense? And I hope you can look into it asap.


    Trevor Moderator

    I assume you are using v2.2.0 of the plugin? I do not have an iPhone, so I cannot test it here. Ross, the developer, is away until Monday, when he will start cranking through his outstanding tickets. To reduce the delay, he may ask for these by private reply:

    The URL of the page with the search on
    Admin logins for the site

    Tor I.

    Hi Trevor,

    Yes, I’m using the 2.2.0 version.

    I will send the url and login upon request. The web site is in its last phase of development and we’re planning to go live next week. We’ll temporarily disable/hide the plugin for mobiles if we need to but hopefully there’s a quick and easy fix for this.


    Trevor Moderator

    You can post them here in time for Monday using the private reply option at the bottom of the editor.

    Tor I.
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    Thanks, I will get back to you as soon as I can.

    Tor I.

    Any news here? We’re going live in next 48 hours and it would be very nice to get this sorted before that. Thank you.

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Tor

    It is possible that Ross will get some time later today to start to look through his outstanding threads.

    One thing I can see, looking at the site code, that causes me no end of grief as a designer with iPhones and iPads is that you have WordPress in its default query string mode for assets. I long since discovered (by accident), that switching off query strings resolves many (but may not this) issues. Indeed, Pagespeed use this as one of their measures when checking a site. How, simply install this if you have blog posts:

    Personally, as an alternative, if the site has no need of real blog posts, I use CPTs and disable blogging with this:

    Which also turns off the use of query strings on static resources.

    As to your specific issue, Until Ross has had a look, I cannot say 🙁

    Tor I.

    Great, thanks for the plugin tips. I’ve installed the first one as there is indeed a blog on this site.

    Looking forward to your next reply.

    Thank you.

    Trevor Moderator

    Ross is going to have to take a serious long look into this, so he needs to clear a window in his diary. He also needs some extra dev tools which he is sorting out. Given that it is a long holiday weekend in the UK, it will be a while before he can reply again.

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