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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Multi-select-combobox on mobil

Viewing 6 posts - 41 through 46 (of 46 total)
  • Johannes Otto-Lübker

    i can set i t back to choosen, but as far as i know that did´t worked for me.

    Maybe i will select “choosen” and i will empty the Custom CSS data to make shure, there is no troubles with the code?

    Trevor Moderator

    I do not know. I am waiting for Ross to emerge after his vacation. No sign of him today 🙁 We spoke briefly on Monday but he was mega tired.

    Johannes Otto-Lübker

    ok, no problem, we still hope to get a soultion soon! 😉

    Trevor Moderator


    He has looked again and says that he needs to do a lot of development work on this and that means any solution is weeks away, and not for the next version release. BTW, do you have auto count enabled, and if so, is it still a problem with it disabled?

    Johannes Otto-Lübker

    where do i find the auto count setting?

    Trevor Moderator

    In the form design, on the General tab. Just below the Auto submit option.

Viewing 6 posts - 41 through 46 (of 46 total)

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