Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Multi-select-combobox on mobil

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  • Trevor

    I just tried this on my mobile and no typing box 🙁

    I will remind Ross.

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    I think it will have to be Ross that looks at this, as I cannot see the issue. He is a very busy man 🙁


    yea ross sad he will. Maybe you could remind him about this thread.


    I will, I will also be working on your/divi results.php layout in a bit (overslept).


    Sorry to take so long. I can see that the Select2 javascript is not being loaded on mobiles. I set up a test site of my own, and the script DOES load on mobiles. So, that means you have a javascript error that is specific to mobile phones, in either your custom coding or in another plugin or the theme. But, I do not have the ability to see what it is.


    Hey Trevor,

    Could you take another look? i did change the value to choosen, bevor you posted the answer.
    I now set the value to “select 2”.

    Could please check, if the javascript still not loading?




    It was Ross that did the check, and he will not be back in the office until Monday. I will add this to his long list of to-do’s.


    mm, in the meantime, you recall that other thread you posted on today? The Op replied that we found that the issue was the Select 2 script was buggy on iPhone and she went back to chosen. She also had to use comboboxes, as opposed to standard dropdowns.

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