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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Multi-select-combobox on mobil

Viewing 10 posts - 21 through 30 (of 46 total)
  • Trevor Moderator

    I will ask.

    Johannes Otto-Lübker

    Thanks allot!

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Johannes

    It has been very busy here and Ross and I have not had a meeting on this yet, so I am just touching base to let you know we haven’t forgotten you. What I do know is that this really needs to become a feature request (and thus moved to that forum, if you want me to?) so that it goes on to our development radar. It cannot quickly be implemented, and so it would would go forward to our next release cycle for consideration/inclusion.

    In the short term, the immediate release cycle is 2.2.0 and the feature list is locked for that, so it would have to be considered for 2.3.0 at the earliest. So, not a quick release then and certainly more than 2 months away, being realistic.

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Johannes Otto-Lübker
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Johannes

    Ross was unable to make a quick fix, so we are going to release 2.2.0 without this being fixed, and he will then work on it as a priority for you and then we will send you a development version when we have a fix. He is away for a long weekend, so I doubt that he will look at it before middle to end of next week.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Johannes

    I took a look into this. I must have got confused somewhere because I thought I recalled the behavior you describe – that the search box does not appear for the select2 comboboxes on mobile…

    After testing again (on several mobiles) this does not appear to be the case for me.

    In order to debug this further, I will need you to enable select2 on your search forms (using the latest version sent to you)

    I’ll then take another look. What I think it *could* be is that some CSS in your theme, targeting mobiles only is causing this odd issue.


    Johannes Otto-Lübker
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    The latest version is the one in your account area, as it has some last minute fixes since any version I might have sent to you. Same manual update procedure should be used after you download it.

    Johannes Otto-Lübker
    This reply has been marked as private.
Viewing 10 posts - 21 through 30 (of 46 total)

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