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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Multi Filter/Search Functionality and ACF Pro plugin

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  • Renee Gruber

    Please check
    I look forward to Filter/Search Functionality like above site.

    Filter items will be:
    Total Space
    Colocation Space
    Total Power
    Miles to Nearest Airport
    Facility Types

    I will add to above filter items as ACF fields to posts.
    Is it possible?
    if so, could you share me tutorial Documents and Video (ACF and S&F) ?


    Trevor Moderator

    We do not have instructional videos, such as you ask for, but we are always happy to help you construct the form of your choice. Many ACF field types (except the more complicated ones) are supported by our plugin (as Post Meta objects in the Form UI).

    The Location field on the exemplar website appears to be a geolocation tool, and we do not (yet) support geolocation searches (it is on our list of planned future feature enhancements). This field would instead need to be a dropdown list of cities in your proposed form. Something like that used in this example page:

    The dropdown select field with checkbox options is also not a feature, but I have shown a concept of how to do this in this thread:

    If, in the first instance, you create a simple single field (always best to start with a simple text search box, and remove this later if not needed) search form on a page, we should get that working first, with a limited set of posts to test it with, and then work forwards from there? It is best to create a custom post type for the posts (maybe called facilities) and any taxonomies should also be custom (do not use the standard Post Categories and Tags), although the list of filters you have shown do not look to need taxonomies.

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