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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Moving to a new sever

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  • Rupert Moscrop

    I did have one last question Scott, you’ve used the ‘Duplicator’ plugin to move sites that included the Search & Filter Pro plugin? And if you did, where the forms you made in S&F Pro still working as before after the move? Thanks

    Scott L


    It worked fine.

    The site is here, check it out for yourself:
    I haven’t touched any settings, and confirmed – after reading this post – that everything imported correctly on the Arborist For Hire page.
    Basically, duplicator duplicates every single file on the site and paced it in another place.
    In my case I used a demo URL and switched it over when I moved the site.
    Everything works perfectly fine.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Rupert

    So sorry I missed this – I’ve just sent you 2.0 – I’ve been juggling far too many threads as of late, hope to start closing some of these down now 🙂


    Rupert Moscrop

    Hi Roos,
    Thanks for version 2, a great update and generally working very well for me.
    Unfortunately I’m still encountering the original issue of this topic, so when moving files to a new server all my forms are revert back to the default settings after moving to new server. And as I mentioned before if I try to correct the forms and save them, it’s not possible, it always reverts back to the default settings.
    I tried Scott’s recommended duplicator plugin, which is great, but doesn’t work on the server I need to export from, so I’m just exporting the database, and importing the sql into another server.
    Please let me know what you think this could be caused by.
    Thanks in advance.

    Ross Moderator

    Very strange as other users with a similar issue have mentioned it is now resolved…

    Have you tried using the standard wordpress importer/exporter?

    Search & Filter data is just saved as a custom post type (Search Filter Widget) so you should have no problems doing this, you’ll just need to watch out in case the IDs of your search forms change.


    Rupert Moscrop

    Thanks Roos, I’ll try the standard importer/exporter, see if that works.

    Rupert Moscrop

    Ok, I did use wordpress importer/exporter, but it also didn’t work, same issue.
    After you mentioned that Search & Filter data is just saved as a custom post types, I deactivated the Custom Post Type UI plugin I was using, and re-imported the exported xml file via wordpress importer/exporter, this time it imported fine, all forms worked and kept their settings, and changes could be saved. I then reactivated Custom Post Type UI, who’s custom taxonomies I was using in the form anyway, all custom posts and taxonomies showed up again and everything worked fine.
    I think this was the issue, there appears to be some conflict between Custom Post Type UI and importing Search & Filter data, and I think if I’d deactivated CPT UI while importing the sql file in the db, then it would still have worked.
    Topic finally resolved!! 🙂 Hopefully helps someone else in the future.
    Thanks for your help Roos (and Scott).

    Ross Moderator

    Ah great well thanks a lot for the detailed info & the update 🙂

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