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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Moving to a new sever

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  • Rupert Moscrop

    Dear Support,
    I have moved a website to a new server, copying all files and database over. For some reason the settings of the only search form I was using didn’t get moved, it was reverted to the default settings that you have with a new form. No problem I thought, I’ll just go through the form and change the settings again. But When I want to Update the changes it won’t save them, and reverts back to the default settings again.
    I’m using version 1.4.3, wp 4.3
    Please let me know if I’ve missed something I should know about moving Search & Filter pro to a new server?
    Thanks in advance.
    Kind regards,

    Ross Moderator

    Hi there, this is a problem I’m aware of – I believe this is resolved in 2.0.

    The best thing to do unfortunately is delete the form and create a new one.


    Rupert Moscrop

    Thanks for the quick answer Ross, could you maybe tell me what the issue is, then I can see if I can resolve it myself? Or please tell me when 2.0 will be available?
    It is only one form, but a rather large and complicated one, so I’d rather not have to make it again. Also I might need to move the site again to ‘live’ server, and then I’d have to remake the form again.
    Any extra info on this issue would be much appreciated.
    Kind regards,

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Rupert

    I didn’t track down the exact issue of this but I think its something to do with when replacing strings (find/replace) on your database when changing environment.

    Its been a while since I looked at it so don’t remember exactly what I found, but I made some changes which meant I also stopped getting this problem when changing environment.

    I’m just writing the docs for 2.0 so should be out any day now.


    Rupert Moscrop

    That’s great Roos, thanks! Looking forward to 2.0, already very happy with the current version.

    Rupert Moscrop
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Rupert Moscrop
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Scott L

    @ Rupert and Ross:

    I realize this may be of no help, but if by some chance the old site and files are still at the old server, it will be your answer. If the setting were very complicated, I would rvert back to the old server and use the plugin below to make the switch.

    I recently moved a very large site to a new server – from development to live status. I would highly recommend using the “Duplicator” plugin. That is what I used and I had no problems – everything, including settings, moved over perfectly. This is a very easy solution and it copy’s everything as it exists! I’ve been using it for a couple years now, and there are some very intuitive videos to walk you through the process.

    Here’s the Plugin
    Here’s the Developer site. Scroll down to the videos section if you have any doubts


    Rupert Moscrop

    Scott, thank you so much, I’m going to try it out straight away. I need to make the move today, so will be great if it works.
    Cheers, Rupert

    Scott L

    No problem Rupert.

    Glad I could help – I’ve been down that road before.

    NOTE: If you don’t use the same database username and password, you’ll likely have to go in to config.php and manually change them there in order for the site to go live. That’s the only issue I’ve ever had with this awesome plugin.

    If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.

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