Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Movie Demo Code

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  • Anonymous

    When I use the ‘non-pro’ version of S&F, I can use a shortcode query version to layout my query. But when I use the pro version, that same shortcode query version does not function/is not recognized (I think that’s odd). So, then I tried building the equivalent query through the s&f builder… but it’s not listing all the values within the taxonomies, nor does it appear to recognize both taxonomies…

    I may have multiple problems going on here…

    The Movie demo you show is pretty much exactly what I want to do… But I am really struggling. I have a site with Custom Post Type (Business) with some fields and then has 2 built-in custom taxonomies. Can you provide code for this example? (I think it would help me…) I am using Weaver Xtreme…

    An example or 2 of having search results on same page as query would be really helpful…



    Ross Moderator

    Hi Sally

    S&F Pro does not accept shortcode parameters – its all done through the admin UI.

    What I think you are looking for is this:


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