Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro More than one filter for one custom post possible?


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  • Anonymous

    I use elementor Pro and for layout purposes I like to add filters in different columns or sections.
    I get the message that only one filter is allowed for one custom posttype.
    Is this correct?
    Wim Bax


    What I think you want cannot, yet, be done, on the results page. We have received feature requests to allow the one form to be broken into parts to be placed (and styled) in different places (and differently styled) on the page.

    We have taken those requests on board for our forthcoming V3 (which we hope to release in summer 2020 – but that may flex a little as we polish the code and UI). For example, you might have a form in WooCommerce that has a Search Box (text field), a Sort Order drop down, and then other fields (Product Categories, Product Tags, Variations, etc). You will be able to place the Search Box in the header, and the Sort Order above the products, and the rest of the form in the sidebar.

    But, that is not possible right now, sorry.

    Please note that we are now near to closing for the day as it is late afternoon here in the UK, so my next reply may not be until tomorrow.


    Thanks, that confirms my findings
    Wim Bax


    Thanks for getting back to me. I will close this thread for now.

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