Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Missing Results (Cache) & Navigation


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  • Anonymous

    Hey – ok it is installed and updated successfully – will check with the client to see if it is working as it should.

    Thanks again. Great Service!



    Sorry to report but the same issue is happening.

    The client is adding his vacancies posts, the post appear in the vacancies page but do not appear in the search and filter drop downs until the cache is cleared.

    Can you think of anything else that can resolve this.

    Do you need to see the code being used to add posts?


    Ross Moderator

    Ahh yes Daniel, the code would be good?

    If you are not adding posts in the standard way via the dashboard S&F might not detect a new post has been created.

    Therefor, if you have any custom code you will need to use the action:

    do_action('search_filter_update_post_cache', 1984);

    After you have inserted your post (where 1984 is the post ID being added)


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