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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Masonry with Elementor + search & filter pro + Dynamic post 2

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Tipografia Garofoli

    Hello we have a little problem with search & filter pro.
    We need to display result of query in masonry format.
    We have purchase plugin Dynamic post 2 but it does not work!

    If you want to see the page the url is:

    Tipografia Garofoli

    Trevor Moderator

    Is this the plugin you are using:

    And, if so, can you confirm you followed our guide:

    Tipografia Garofoli

    Yes i seen the your post ad for this i have purchase the plug-in!
    But masonry in dynamic post v2 does not work!
    It is in development( i have ask at developers of dynamic post).
    If you try to use masonry modality appear an embarrassing written “coming soon”.
    In Dynamic post v1 masonry works but search&filter pro does not work.

    Can you suggest me a solution?
    I can uninstall dynamic post 2, it is not problem.
    We urgent need to display result of query in masonry format.

    If you want to see the page where the plug-in must to work the url is:

    Tipografia Garofoli

    Trevor Moderator

    What does the post content need to look like?

    Tipografia Garofoli

    La disposizione nello spazio deve essere masonry.
    Il contenuto del post deve rimanere quello che รจ contenuto ora nella pagina(image, title and category) di cui ti ho mandato l’url:

    Tipografia Garofoli

    The spatial arrangement must be masonry.
    The content of the post must remain what is now contained in the page (image, title and category) of which I sent you the url:

    Tipografia Garofoli

    Trevor Moderator

    I cannot quickly fix it so that what you want is possible (Masonry) with Dynamic Post.

    That page only has a form on it, no posts. I was asking if I could see an example of what the posts need to look like. However, this post might be of interest:

    The Custom Layouts plugin will receive updates (maybe one today to add responsive column numbers) and taxonomies very soon (in a few days). It supports masonry.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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