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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Major Glitch in Multisite

Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • Kenneth Horn

    S&F Pro installed on multisite creates FATAL ERROR message when attempting to add a new site. It may be interacting poorly with WPML as well. I’m running DIVI theme. SNIP attached. Sorry. Can’t attach a screenshot because you’re using an antique support forum system. You might want join the 21st century with the rest of us. 🙁 Let me know if you want to see the FATAL ERROR snip by supplying a regular email address. Thanks. (Pardon my blunt style. It’s the only way I know.)

    Kenneth Horn

    MODIFIED: MY APOLOGIES TO ALL! After a bit more thought on the subject I realized that the FATAL ERROR notice might relate to the fact that I had imported the S&F Pro forms from another site. I believe I was getting the fatal error due to having filtering criteria referring to taxonomies that did not yet exist in the new multisite. After removing the templates and reactivating S&F Pro, I was able to create new site in multisite without generating the erro. Not sure whether importing is possible but it is my intention merely to create new forms, duplicate them, and modify them. Safest route.

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