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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Maintain Search Form State

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  • dann hanks

    Hi, I have setup my search as follows:

    1) there is a search box on the main page with text search and category.
    2) the search results are displayed along with a new search filter on the side to further filter my search results.

    When I have searched on the main page, lets say for the word ‘Easter’, I get to the results:

    This shows an accurate search for the term easter.

    Then I try and filter those results in the sidebar I mentioned in point 2 above and the search starts over eg:

    I am guessing its because it’s 2 forms but these should be able to talk to each other right?

    I notice the same happens on your demo site:

    search for the term ‘happy’ in the top navigation and you get the 2 results:

    then try and filter the prices in the sidebar and it forgets your original search altogether and brings in all the products, starting a new search/filter

    Is there a way around this?


    Trevor Moderator

    The more detailed form would also have to have a general text search box so that it can ‘receive’ the Easter search term and maintain that setting.

    If you have two separate search forms on the same page, only one can be submitted, and it will ignore what is in the other. This is standard HTML form behaviour, but we are going to try to implement a more sophisticated system where the search form parts can be in different places on the page, for version 3.

    I hope that answers your question. If it does not, please get back to me.

    dann hanks

    Hi Trevor!

    thanks for the quick reply, this makes sense and worked! Hopefully I will just be able to hide the search text from the filter with css.

    Trevor Moderator

    Cool. It should be easy to hide the search field, yes. Make sure the CSS is specific to that search form.

    Let me know if I can close this thread?

    dann hanks

    yes, this is solved thanks!

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