Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Loading Spinner/Not Found Message

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  • Anonymous

    Hi there,
    First up thank you for a great plugin, it does exactly what I need!
    I have a couple of tweaks/questions though:
    – Is there a way to get a ‘loading spinner’ to show while results are loading? The results seem to take a while to load so I need to indicate that they are being loaded
    – Where can I change the ‘No Results Found’ text? Or if this is the default WordPress Message, is there somewhere I can add my own message?
    Thank you!


    Which Display Results method are you using? If it is the Shortcode method, you should follow this customising guide:

    You will have a copy of the results.php ile in your theme folder (in a sub-folder called search-filter). In that, you can edit the message.

    The spinner isn’t a standard feature but can be done using javascript, which we can look at once I get the No Results Found part sorted.

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