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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Load results using Ajax doesn't work

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Rozhnov Vyacheslav


    Why after 1 load results using Ajax doesn’t work?
    site: m e g a

    Rozhnov Vyacheslav

    Problem in my theme
    What it is necessary to look?

    Rozhnov Vyacheslav

    the example where doesn’t work the filter

    christopher hughes

    Hi, works for me.I click on category 1 or 2 and it correctly filters.I am using Firefox by the way.I have a question, are you using the Ajax shortcode or targetting a div? How did you create the link to the product? Did you add any special code? When you click on the product icon you see the product with an add to cart link.How did you achieve this, I am stumped.

    christopher hughes

    correction, your category links at the bottom of the page lead to a ‘no results found’ msg.I see what you mean.

    Rozhnov Vyacheslav

    <div id=”main-content”>
    <div id=”main-products” class=”clearfix”>products</div>
    Search & Filter Pro</div>

    My Settings
    Content selector: #main-content here mistake

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Rozhnov Vyacheslav

    I am looking again now at your site and it seems to be ok, can you explain what is not working?


Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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