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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Load more button ele custom skin

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  • Rama Wardhana


    I am using Search & Filter Pro and its extension with Elementor Pro. I need to have a pagination with a load more button. Is there any possible way to do that?

    I’ve tried using “Ele custom skin” plugin that has a load more button. But if I click the load more button, the posts are duplicated.


    Thank you!

    Trevor Moderator

    I am sorry, but we do not fully (or officially) support Ele Custom Skins, and our plugin does not support Load More pagination, sorry. We aim to improve this after we release V3 in a few months.

    Rama Wardhana

    Ok, thank you!

    Trevor Moderator

    Is it OK to close this thread?

    Rama Wardhana

    Yes, thank you for your help

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