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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Load More button


Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • John Luhr

    Hey there!

    I tried this, and it didn’t work. Any advice?

    @sftrevor split this post from

    Trevor Moderator

    The code was not written by us, nor tested.

    I suspect, looking at it, that this:

      n > s + i && e.loadMoreResults()

    Might need instead to be:

      n > s + i && e.loadMoreResults()
    John Luhr

    Hi Trevor,

    Sorry been on holidays and just come back to give this a try and found it didn’t work. Anything you can give us help with?

    Actually, we need to change it to not auto load due to meeting Accessibility requirements.


    John Luhr

    Hi Trevor,

    By adding the above code, it was giving an error “$ is not a function”. so i added a Jquery instead of $ as below:-

    jQuery(‘.loadm’).click(function(){ n > s+i && e.loadMoreResults()});

    So the error has gone but even this is not firing the click event.



    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi John, Hi Trevor,

    I’m searching a solution for this problem either.
    May you add me to private marked messages?

    Thank you!

    Trevor Moderator

    Only an administrator or the original post can see private messages. There is nothing in this thread that can assist you. If the suggestion (written by a user and not ourselves) in the thread linked in the first post does not work for you, I cannot help you further, as this modification is not written by us, and is not an advertised feature of our plugin. You may need to employ the services of a freelance third party coder.


    Ok, thank you. When will Search and Filter Pro 3 will be launched?

    Trevor Moderator

    We are estimating a few more months yet. But I cannot be certain of that.

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

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