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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Load defaults on page load

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  • Christian Galster

    Hi, lets say i have different pages: dogs, cats and snakes.

    When i open the dogs site the searchform should only load all dogs results.

    Could this be done?

    I want to insert the search form into a theme template. The data (dogs, cats, snakes) are stored in custom fields.

    It should work like: If the current page has as custom field “dogs”, load only dogs results.


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Christian

    Can you explain in more details. You are using Dog page and dog site interchangeably.

    Can you be specific what kind of setup you want this to occur on?

    It is possible to do something similar, but this is only on tag/category/taxonomy archives.


    Christian Galster

    Hi, when i insert the search result shortcode on the dog page, it should only load the dog results on page load and not all results = dogs, cats and snakes.
    Cheers Chris

    Christian Galster

    I found the option, thx: Detect defaults from current page

    Christian Galster
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator

    Hey Christian

    Sorry for the delay.

    I see what you mean, you want it so that when you “detect defaults” it also applies that criteria to the search results too?

    I’m thinking of adding this as an additional setting.


    Christian Galster

    Ok, thanks

    Christian Galster

    Hi, are there any news or perhaps you have an idea / hint how i can reolve this?

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Christian

    I have not yet had chance to implement this feature – as mentioned it only works with archives at the moment – I have just realised though if you are a dev and can do some coding this may already be possible using a filter:

    So in there you would manually check to see if the current page/post has a specific category:

    if(has_category( 'dogs', get_the_ID()))

    And if so, modify the S&F query to only look inside that category

    $query_args['category_name'] = "dogs"

    So putting it all together:

    function update_search_category( $query_args, $sfid ) {
    	//if search form ID = 225, the do something with this query
    		//here we check to see value is associated with the page
    		if(has_category( 'dogs', get_the_ID()))
    			$query_args['category_name'] = "dogs"
    		else if(has_category( 'cats', get_the_ID()))
    			$query_args['category_name'] = "cats"
    		else if(has_category( 'snakes', get_the_ID()))
    			$query_args['category_name'] = "snakes"
    	return $query_args;
    add_filter( 'sf_edit_query_args', 'update_search_category', 10, 2 );

    One big caveat I just realised, you may have to disable ajax – this is because an ajax request gets sent off somewhere else, and I think has_category will never give the correct result in an ajax request.


    Christian Galster

    Great, i will test this. Thx for your help.

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