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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Little Help with Ajax Results Display

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  • Michael Fellmeth

    Hi, believe I’ve almost got Search & Filter Pro working properly but have two problems with display results and could use your assistance. (More than happy to get on the phone and do paid support if my questions are out of scope for this forum.) My current settings are as follows: display results as an archive page = true; use a custom template = true; woocommerce/filter-plays.php is the template (which is a straight copy of archive-product.php); load results using Ajax = true. Two problems as follows:

    1) I have a custom meta dropdown for Genre. When a genre is selected, results filter correctly, but when you deselect back to “All Genres” nothing happens. In your Demo 2, I can see parameters updating in the URL as filters are applied and so that “All Product Categories” returns products to default state of all visible.

    For some reason my URL remains the same no matter what’s selected:

    And so I just can’t seem to replicate the desired result that Demo 2 displays. Can you advise me on what I’m doing wrong?

    2) One of my products (a play) is named “Darlene & The Guest Lecturer.” The filter refuses to recognize this product, and I’m guessing it’s because the ampersand character is not escaped somehow in the code, right? If that’s the problem, I’d like to request that you escape common special characters in the next iteration of the plugin. Especially ampersands as Search & Filter Pro would not be able to find itself in results right now. 🙂

    Looking forward to your response, and thanks for making such a cool plugin.


    Michael Fellmeth

    Just to elaborate further on 1), I have continued working on the settings and am now returning to original results when I select back to “All Genres,” but URL shows as:

    That undefined does not seem right, right?

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Michael

    Trying to look at this now but getting a 404?

    PS if you get it setup, would be useful to have your login details on hand so I can take a quick poke around.


    Michael Fellmeth
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    Ross Moderator
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    Ross Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Michael Fellmeth

    Hi Ross, sorry for great delay in responding, I’ve been working nonstop on the new site. I’ll switch over to email now.

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